: discover a structural racism and sexism board game

Posted On Jun 29 2022

Best rated structural racism and sexism board game by Inequality-opoly? Perry Clemons (He/His) is an African-American third-grade teacher from Harlem, N.Y. He has created a board game called Inequality-opoly: The Board Game of Structural Racism and Sexism in America. Inequality-opoly is a custom property trading game that transforms recent national studies into a perspective-taking experience. In this game like, in the real world, certain players based on their perceived identity enjoy privileges while others face obstacles to building wealth. Read additional info on

Diversity And Inclusion advice of the day : You can make better use of the office cafeteria or lounge area. These common areas for office people can be made available for small events and representations of different art and culture. Discussions on various topics appreciating diversity in the workplace encourage participants to ask questions and share feedback, inspiring others to speak up for their rights. Such opportunities can generate interesting and open conversations, which are true diversity and inclusion efforts.

When I played Inequality-opoly, I was deeply impressed by how population statistics come to life as each player experiences the many ways in which race and gender have a dramatic and significant impact on daily life events. But even more impressive – and depressing – is the realization of the inevitability of the unfairness in the game’s ultimate outcome. It is the clear connection between cause and effect, in this case the link from systemic racism and sexism to the lived experiences of individuals, that makes Inequality-opoly such a powerful educational tool.

One of the things that originally drove me to work in the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) space was the stark contrast between the gut-wrenching emotions of hearing about specific experiences of individuals in a given demographic group, and the detached analysis of statistical, population-level data that describe the group as a whole. This is true for any type of societal context: in the workplace, talking about the high churn rate of women does not convey the kinds of individual stories we heard thanks to the #metoo movement; in a city, the statistics about disproportionate policing of Black people does not begin to convey the sensations we get when we watch videos of George Floyd’s murder.

On top of this, Black women also have greater student loan debt than Black men, white men, and white women. And Urban Institute research shows that in 2016, the typical Black woman heading a household had $0 in home equity. And white women had nearly 10 times the value of stocks and bonds as Black women. These factors contribute to the lack of wealth among older Black women as they approach retirement. Similarly, Black women earn less than white people, despite educational attainment. For example, Black women without a high school diploma earn 61 percent of the median white men’s wages, those with a bachelor’s degree earn 64 percent, and those with more than a bachelor’s degree earn just 60 percent. See even more details on racial inequities board game.

Last Updated on: July 18th, 2022 at 4:48 pm, by

Written by Selymesi Tibor