Alternative Hegemony Model

Posted On Mar 11 2019

The Erich von Werner Society thinks that the world is approaching a new major period. These changes are because of or are accelerated by factors, which in combination and interaction with each other will trigger a new era: Dealing with technological progress (e.g. digitization, biotechnology, human optimization).

A couple of the world’s most urgent problems :

Malnutrition and Hunger: Malnutrition and hunger continue to be issues in developing countries, such as the Central African Republic, Chad and Yemen. According to the Food Aid Foundation, 795 million people in the world are not receiving the proper amount of nutrients. Additionally, hunger is the leading health problem among children and adults, causing approximately 45 percent of children’s deaths.

A number of worrying world statistics seem to point to a severe need for humanitarian support in Sub-Saharan Africa. This region has the most child deaths and persons living with HIV in the world, the most extreme rates of child stunting, the highest number of road traffic deaths and the lowest numeracy and literacy rates. Its population is also the fastest growing, which means more and more people are affected by these issues every day. Some of the widest gaps between rich and poor individuals as well as men and women can also be found in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Understand and change: It will never be possible to change the world alone. An idea can be so great, but it needs people who believe in it. People who implement them. People who fight for a better world. Join us. Contact us. Let us make the world better together. Extra Details on Andreas Herteux and Erich von Werner Society

In German : Die Erich-von-Werner-Gesellschaft geht davon aus, dass sie denkt, dass der Planet und die Menschen darauf eine neue Epoche betreten. Diese Anderungen sind auf Faktoren zuruckzufuhren oder werden durch Faktoren beschleunigt, die in Kombination und Interaktion miteinander eine neue Ara auslosen: Uberbevolkerung und Vermissten Lebensperspektiven (z. B. aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent). : Kapitalismus verbessern.

Es wird niemals moglich sein, die Welt alleine zu verandern. Eine Idee kann noch so grossartig sein, aber sie braucht Menschen, die an sie glauben. Menschen, die sie umsetzen. Menschen, die fur eine bessere Welt kampfen. Arbeiten wir zusammen. Kontaktieren Sie uns. Lassen Sie uns die Welt gemeinsam besser machen.

Last Updated on: March 18th, 2019 at 6:04 pm, by OlarexDN

Written by Petrescu Dan