How to apply tempered glass screen protector without bubbles

Posted On Mar 27 2020

Tempered glass screen protector purchase tricks: Blue light exposure may increase the risk of macular degeneration. The fact that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina (the inner lining of the back of the eye) is important, because laboratory studies have shown that too much exposure to blue light can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina. This causes changes that resemble those of macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss. Although more research is needed to determine how much natural and man-made blue light is “too much blue light” for the retina, many eye care providers are concerned that the added blue light exposure from computer screens, smartphones and other digital devices might increase a person’s risk of macular degeneration later in life.

How to install a screen protector perfectly without bubbles and alignment tool ? Warm Tips: Before the installation,please make sure the doors and windows are closed.Try to keep the invironment clean and avoid the occurrence of dust or lint. Take out the new screen protector, wipe it with a cleaning cloth, make sure there is no dust on the outside, then grab the top of the backboard and then tear off the screen protector. Put the upper part on the phone screen, first align the upper part of the screen protectoe with the upper part of phone screen, and compact it slightly. Explore a few more details on how to put screen protector on.

You may be wondering why using a computer is so much harder on your eyes than reading printed materials like a book or magazine. The main reason is that when we stare at computer screens, we tend to blink less. In fact, while focusing on digital displays, a person’s blink rate can be reduced by a third to a half, which causes their eyes to dry out. Additionally, many of us are not viewing these screens from the optimal distance. In recent years, a popular solution to this problem has been blue light filters; namely, expensive computer glasses. However, these glasses, as well as other blue light filters, are no more effective at reducing the symptoms of eye strain than a neutral filter. Instead of spending money on something that may not help, try these simple and effective tips first.

Artificial blue light, the kind associated with LED and screen-based OLED illumination, operates on a different level of the spectrum, in the 380–500 nanometer range. The 415–455 nanometer range is the most harmful — what’s called high-energy visible light, or HEV — and it’s where digital blue light from laptops, tablets and mobile phones operate. Sunglasses are designed to block light in this range — as are welding helmets! But the tech industry has been slow to adjust. “Apple for sure doesn’t build to that standard,” Bill pointed out.

Visible light is much more complex than you might think. Stepping outdoors into sunlight; flipping on a wall switch indoors; turning on your computer, phone or other digital device — all of these things result in your eyes being exposed to a variety of visible (and sometimes invisible) light rays that can have a range of effects. See a few more info at

Last Updated on: April 10th, 2020 at 1:08 pm, by

Written by Ilie Dumitrescu