CP7 gas inspections services UK

Posted On Oct 15 2019

You also have responsibilities for your own health and safety at work. You can refuse to do something that isn’t safe without being threatened with disciplinary action. If you think your employer isn’t meeting their responsibilities, talk to them first. Your safety representative or a trade union official may be able to help you with this. As a last resort, you may need to report your employer to the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland or to the environmental health department of your local authority.

If you suspect, based on symptoms, that you’re experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning, open windows and doors, switch off all gas-powered devices, evacuate the property, seek immediate medical advice, and contact the Gas Emergency Service. If you smell gas, whether inside or outside, or experience any of the symptoms of exposure to natural gas (including feeling lightheaded, dizzy or nauseated and experiencing headaches), call the Gas Emergency Service immediately.

The annual check need to be undertaken by a person who has sufficient practical experience of oxy-fuel gas equipment and theoretical knowledge of the functioning of the equipment, the properties of gases used, the potential defects and hazards that may occur and their importance to integrity and safety of the equipment. We offer a free annual gas safety check for some customers. For details on our free gas safety check, and more information about how we may be able to help with your energy needs, find out about our Priority Services. See extra details on CP7 Gas Checks.

Generally, an appliance safety check will just ensure that the appliance is safe to use, whilst a service is more thorough and may include more specific checks as well as an inspection of the appliance’s condition and cleaning. A full gas installation safety check should include inspection of all gas appliances as well as all accessible pipework. Why are gas safety checks and services so important? Most importantly, having your gas appliances safety checked annually will give you peace of mind that they are not putting you, your family, or your home in danger, and that they are safe to use. There are other benefits of regular safety checks and services as well though.

Last Updated on: November 2nd, 2019 at 9:51 am, by

Written by Gica Hagi