Youtube subscribers strategies

Posted On Oct 8 2019

You want to grow your Youtube channel or to raise the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are some methods about how to get more Youtube viewers and subscribers.

Use Keywords in Video Titles and Descriptions: The first FREE way to increase your YouTube views is by using the right keywords in your video titles and description. This can really help you get to the top of the YouTube search page. In fact, this is one of the most important things every YouTuber needs to do to ensure the popularity of their videos. You need to find the keywords that are related to your channel’s niche. They need to be very popular among users. This means that you should focus on those that have a lot of monthly searches.

While you need to use keywords to help your videos appear in search results, you also need to appeal to the real humans who you want to watch your videos. YouTube says, “Titles that perform best are often those that tell a story.” If you focus too heavily on appealing to the search bots, you’ll lose opportunities to offer compelling reasons why people should actually watch your video—which, after all, is the point. Keep titles to around 60 characters to ensure they are fully displayed in search results. For more on this, check out our guide to writing effective YouTube channel and videos descriptions. People don’t read online—they scan. And when they’re scanning through a list of videos to watch, they’re more likely to take a closer look at a video with a compelling thumbnail image. See more details on Free YouTube views.

At first, I was desperate to get more views. I bought a package of 10,000 views. What is difficult to explain is that out of the 10,000 hits, I did not receive any interaction signals. Specifically, my video did not receive likes, comments, and the channel received no subscribers. One practice I used was to spam Facebook groups. Now, I ask you, do you think the members of that group will be crammed into clicking on your video? Weak chances. Even if they do, you’ll get up to 100 views. But these will stop, while seo optimization will bring you constant traffic.

Last Updated on: October 23rd, 2019 at 1:38 pm, by

Written by Selymesi Tibor