How to increase your Youtube videos view count

Posted On Sep 18 2019

Tips to increase your Youtube channel view count, this is a hot issue amongst Youtube content creators. If you are starring in the video, or just directing it, it is important to prepare and practice so that the real thing will go off without a hitch. The devil is in the detail when it comes to making a YouTube video so practicing will account for all the things that could go wrong when shooting. YouTube is a search engine. Which means search engine optimization (SEO) matters. YouTube’s algorithm takes multiple items into account when selecting videos for search results. And the platform provides a number of opportunities to optimize your channel and videos — including video file names, titles, descriptions, and tags. So include as much information as possible. Crucially, you need to know which keywords you want your videos and channel to rank for.

Add a lightbox or pop-up on your website. A video is a great opportunity to let people know more about your organization, regardless of why or how people are coming to your website. If you don’t have a lightbox, make sure your video is featured somewhere on the homepage of your site. Negotiate website placement ahead of time, since it can be a space that is coveted by other departments. Your video deserves to be highlighted. It’s new content and your biggest fans would love to see it. However the the fastest method is to buy subscribers from a online marketing agency, that can promote your videos to a broad audience.

YouTube’s algorithms will present content here as they would for an organic result with one caveat: the video a user just watched may have less to do with the original query they put in, and more to with the relevancy to the video the user just viewed. Thus, the content presented at the end of a watched video will be similar to the content that was just viewed. By optimizing your video to be relevant to other popular videos, you’ll increase the chances of driving users to view your YouTube channel and video, fast. You can target similar keywords and descriptions and create video content that covers the same topic with a more engaging tone or with more information presented in a more accessible way.

SEO is not just limited for Google, but you need to do SEO for the video by incorporating keywords in the video title and description. Make sure that they are search engine optimized. If you are creating a video on how to make Italian pasta, then you need to have the keywords that people usually search for this. Keep your description detailed and include the links to your social media accounts. It is important to use a suitable thumbnail instead of using an over the top sensational thumbnail. The thumbnails which are misleading are completely against YouTube’s terms and conditions. The thumbnail is such that it informs people what the video is all about so that they can confidently click on it and watch it. A good and apt thumbnail is important to encourage people to watch the video.

“The best thing you could do is create YouTube titles and descriptions that have the most relevant search terms in them,” says Cochrane. “An easy way to test is to start typing into the YouTube search bar the words you WERE going to use in your title. Which search results come up? Now try other words (one word at a time because YouTube will autofill based on popular search terms) and you can see what other people are ACTUALLY typing into YouTube and see how many results those search terms give you.” Translate popular videos: It’s hard to find a winning YouTube formula. But once you hit gold, you need to focus your efforts on replicating success. After publishing for a few months, you’ll likely have a few videos that resonate. I recommend translating these popular videos to a few languages (such as German, French, and Spanish). This helps you rank in international markets, gain new free YouTube subscribers, and expand your reach. It’s always a good idea to add subtitles to every YouTube video as well. Source:

Last Updated on: September 19th, 2019 at 1:24 pm, by

Written by Raducioiu Florin