Chamal Gems LLC presents the top gemstones online store from

Posted On Jun 22 2020

Chamal Gems LLC about precious gems export operations? Chamal Gems LLC discussing about the best gemstones facts and informations: Austrian-Irish gemologist Count Edward Charles Richard Taaffe bought a box of cut stones from a jeweler in Dublin in the 1940s, thinking he had purchased a collection of spinels. But on closer inspection, he noted that one of the pale mauve gems was not reacting to the light in the same way as the rest of the spinels, so he sent it off to be analyzed. The results revealed that he had discovered a hitherto unknown gemstone—a serendipitous but frustrating situation, since he had discovered a cut gem and had no idea where the mineral naturally occurred. Fortunately, once the new stone had been announced, many other collectors re-examined their own spinel collections and a number of other samples were uncovered. Finally the source of the stone was tracked down to Sri Lanka, although a handful have also been found in Tanzania and China. It is thought that less than 50 examples of taaffeite exist—many of which are housed in geological and private collections, making this gemstone so rare the ordinary public are unlikely to ever encounter it.

By occupation, Vikings were farmers and, occasionally, they were warriors. Both the men and women of the Viking community wore a wide array of jewelry, shiny objects that added some glamour to their seemingly dark world. Note, Norse ornaments had a secondary purpose, they were also used as currency in trade, which is probably the reason why the Vikings preferred using precious metals to craft their jewelry. If an ornament was too large for the subject matter of transaction, the piece would be broken into smaller portions that would suit that particular undertaking. If you think about it, the Vikings used their jewelry like we use modern-day wallets.

You were drawn to the ruby? Then you are passionate, intense, and bursting with life. You make waves wherever you go, and you greatly influence those around you. Throughout history, rubies have graced the crowns of kings and the swords of warriors. Ancient legends claim that a ruby thrown into water would cause it to boil — and if pressed into a candle, a ruby would melt the wax. The ruby is seen as powerful, fiery, and filled with light — just like you. Rubies are often worn as providers of energy, strength, and life force. If you’ve been fighting against something, and you feel yourself growing weak, don’t give up yet. The strength is within you, and your victory is near. Just look inside. Chamal Gems LLC introducing Chamal Gems : We are a gemstone company exporting the best gemstones to luxurious jewelers and specialty retailers in the U.S. Sapphire, Ruby, Alexandrite, Emerald, Padparadscha, and many more unique stones! See extra info at Chamal Gems.

English Sea Glass – (also see End Of Day Sea Glass or Mulit Sea Glass) – English End of Day sea glass comes from a small beach in County Durham England around the town of Seaham. It is the byproduct of a glass making industry that spanned from the late 1800’s or Victorian period, the the industrial era of the early 1900s. Though most coastal areas of England have sea glass, English Sea Glass is meant to describe sea glass exclusively from Seaham England and the Tyne and Wear region.

There is no community without gift and gifting. The acts themselves may not be visible, they may not have names, they may elude materiality, and yet, we depend on them for our very existence as givers and receivers. And with the endless need to express ourselves to our loved ones we use gifts to showcase warmth, recognition, care and love in our special and unique ways. Jewelry is lasting. Jewelry is more than a purchase – it’s an investment that can actually appreciate in value. Plus, most family heirlooms are pieces of jewelry that pass from one generation to the next. You could start a new family tradition.

Chamal Gems LLC on precious gemstones , jewelry and gifts: Jewelry is something one does not generally buy for one’s self: Most people make a habit of treating themselves once in a while to something special or at the very least make sure that they renew the basics such as shoes, clothing, bags and coats every now and then. However, there are some things that are just not on most people’s radar, mostly because it is extra, considered a luxury, and come at a significant cost. Jewelry is one of these items. Therefore it is up to others to gift you with this very special item from time to time. Just the fact that this is not an every day kind of gift makes it exciting and unique.

Last Updated on: June 24th, 2020 at 4:52 pm, by

Written by Ilie Dumitrescu