Several tips to obtain more Youtube views

Posted On Oct 2 2019

You want to grow your Youtube channel or to raise the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are several tips on how to obtain more Youtube viewers and subscribers.

Post Your Videos on Your Blog: Want to spark more shares, viewer and subscriber count for your YouTube videos? Post your videos on your blog. For example, you can embed your video within the relevant content. The aim is to deliver value to your audience. Apart from delivering value, you also get to capture the attention of online visitors to your site. Think about it. You have a blog where you post content on baking or cooking. In your blog, you post content on cooking tips, baking tricks, and recipes. By creating captivating videos and embedding them in your content, you generate high traffic volumes. To get the embed code from YouTube, click on the Share button. Copy and paste the code in your blog post where you want to display the video. The video does not have to be the exact duplicate of your posts. Just make sure the video is relevant. For example, if the post discusses cake baking, add a video on what accessories to use.

Create search-friendly (but still human-friendly) titles and descriptions: Before people can watch your videos, they’ve got to find them. That means your SEO strategies have got to be up to scratch. When writing titles and descriptions, Cochrane recommends typing potential keywords into the search bar to see what comes up in the autocomplete. You might get ideas for related search terms you might not have thought of. If they’re relevant to the video you’ve created, include them when appropriate. If not, you may have uncovered an idea for an entirely new video. You can also click on the auto-completed search terms to see what kinds of videos (and how many) already exist for those keywords to get a sense of the competition. Google Trends and the Google Adwords Keyword Planner will also help you uncover powerful keywords to include in your title and description. But don’t include keywords that are not relevant to your video—YouTube will penalize you for doing so. You can also include up to 15 hashtags in your video description. See more details on Free YouTube subscribers.

The first step is to find a video search term. What is a video search term? This is a keyword for which Google predominantly displays videos. Search engines only display video content when deemed necessary. For example, when you search for a song, Google will often display a video result. How can you realize if it is worth building for a certain video content term? Search Google and see if there are video results on the first page. Does video results predominate on the first page? Then, you can say with confidence that you can create video content for that keyword. I chose the search term “emotional song download”.

Last Updated on: October 23rd, 2019 at 1:49 pm, by

Written by Petrescu Dan