Thinking about a hair transplant surgery?

Posted On Jul 8 2019

Lets talk about FUE hair transplant guides Also a few hair transplant maintenance tips. Pain medications will be prescribed, but it is unlikely that these will be needed for more than one or two days, at the most. Medication is in the kit. Sometimes a little Extra-Strength Tylenol is all that is required if some heaviness/pain persists. Sleeping medication is advised for first 3 nights so you can have a calm sleep. Medication to prevent swelling should be taken alongwith. Sleeping with the head elevated on pillows for the first week is also helpful to prevent this common experience.

The critical time immediately post-procedure is particularly important. Unfortunately, today there are low prices and mega graft surgeries being offered overseas, presented as easy and cheap. One of the downsides that traveling far for cosmetic procedures creates, is a lack of adequate follow-up care and instruction. For instance, within the first 48 hours, one should not touch, scratch, wash or otherwise contact the scalp. This is a key time for infection avoidance. Your surgeon should be in contact with you in case of any problems.

Strip transplant is still used today and used to be considered the highest standard hair restoration procedure available. The technique is now becoming less common. There are a few different reasons for that, including images of obvious of “plug” donor locations dominating someone’s hairline as well as the linear, long scar that the procedure left on the back of the head. The incision typically taken from the back of the head is due to the hairs that usually remain for men who’ve gone bald, as these healthy follicles have a higher success rate when being transferred. The incision of hair follicles from this area is a risk when removing the strip. Great care has to be taken not to sever any follicles, and because of this, the success rate for strip transplant procedures is reduced. See more details about Toronto Hair Transplant.

The small holes at the donor site with FUE should close up within a few days after the procedure has been completed, at which point in time regular daily activity can resume. New growth is typically seen within 3-4 months with full results seen by 1 year. The main difference between today’s gold standard in hair transplant methods, FUE, and the old favorite, strip transplants, is that FUE does not remove strips of scalp tissue, nor does it result in a linear scar. FUE is not only used for your scalp but also for facial hair transplantation as well. Hair that does not grow correctly for eyebrows, beards, sideburns, or scars can easily be fixed with the FUE hair transplant. Our experts can easily replace or camouflage any type of hair loss issue you may have.

Reasons people seek hair restoration? Traction Alopecia: For those who regularly wear tight, braided or dreadlocked hairstyles, this type of balding is common. As well, tight buns, ponytails or hair weaves can lead to what’s known as traction alopecia. The hair roots let go from the follicle, and though they may initially grow back, if the tension is chronic, bald patches and receding can be permanent. Signs of traction alopecia are usually most visible at the hairline. Hair transplant techniques can restore a patient’s hair and wearing loose, tension-free styles will be recommended for long term maintenance.


Last Updated on: July 10th, 2019 at 6:50 am, by

Written by Selymesi Tibor