Win boosting guides for Overwatch

Posted On Jan 2 2020

Looking for tricks on how to improve your skill rating in Overwatch? Despite nerfs to their barriers, Orisa and Sigma are still the top choices for tanks in most competitive tiers. Their mobility and substantial health pools are a boon to almost every team composition. Orisa’s Halt remains one of the most effective abilities in Overwatch and her damage-boosting ultimate turns the tide of many team fights.

As mentioned above, the only way to rank up in Overwatch is to win. You could finish a match with five gold medals, but if your team doesn’t win you’ll still lose SR. As a result, it’s best to group up with friends or recent players. This way you can strategize and play as a team, instead of being matched with players who want to do their own thing. If you haven’t got anyone to play with, or the people you usually play with aren’t online, you can use the ‘look for group’ function shown on the ‘Play’ menu. This will allow you to choose the role you want to play and match you with players who synergize with that. You can even specify if you want the other players to have microphones.

See the Unseen. Winning or losing in Overwatch is all about opportunities. You miss some – you lose some games. You see some and use them properly – you will win. More experience you got – more chances to see these opportunities if you are fully focused on the game. Did you ever wonder why all these people who are involved in Overwatch Boosting are having crazy winrate amount at your Skill Rating? The answer is simple – they probably see x10 times more opportunities and bring them to life. You Can’t Win Every Game. This rule is pretty simple – so yeah, there are actually games that you just can’t win, even though the amount of such games is pretty small. But don’t ever let these games put you on a tilt. So here comes the next rule.

Skill rating improvement trick: Communicate: Overwatch is all about positive communication. Teams that work together are often the most successful, even if the players are less skilled. Even if you’re not using voice chat, use the communication wheel to alert your teammates when you need help. Even the smallest bit of communication can help. That said, know when communication is futile. If a teammate is being particularly toxic, just mute them. It’s not worth upsetting yourself with a constant barrage of harassment, even if some of the things they’re saying are worthwhile. You can stay in voice chat, just mute the bad teammates. Alternatively you can try to use a professional skill rating improvement service. Read additional info on Boosting for Overwatch.

Finally, you need to understand comps (a term for team composition). A good beginner team usually has two supports, two tanks, and two damage characters. If you’re playing with strangers and don’t have good team coordination yet, it helps to have a varied team to cover all your bases. For example, if your team has a high-damage character like Pharah already and you’re playing the other damage character, maybe try a hero that deals aimed damage like Soldier 76, or a close-range flanker like Tracer. Over time, you’ll learn cool combinations with your teammates and which characters work better against others.

Last Updated on: January 12th, 2020 at 1:07 pm, by OlarexDN

Written by Selymesi Tibor