Pro Korea online slots tips on

Posted On Feb 1 2020

Trusted Korea gambling guides on HOgame88: The over-bet is your weapon in polarized situations when you either have a very strong hand or nothing. That’s when you bet two times the pot to make it difficult for your opponent. Small ball poker is now essentially the fabric that every good poker player uses. But this refers mainly to pre-flop and flop play. Flop bets today tend to be a quarter to a third of the pot whereas in the old days it used to be three quarters to full pot. Turns and rivers are now where the game gets interesting. That’s where there’s now a lot of room to adapt and exploit – bet-sizing on turn and river. You can see that we see less and less half-pot bets. It’s either small bets or often very big bets.

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Making sure the new casino of your choice offers products from cutting-edge developers like Playtech is key when evaluating where to sign-up. Pay-by-phone depositing is definitely a trend worth investigating in 2019. Designed to provide a secure and personal information-free payment method, mobile phone bill depositing is now available across a huge portion of The US’s top sites. Thanks to services like Boku and Zimpler, depositing to your account with your mobile device is easier and safer than ever. Live-Dealer Progressive Jackpot Games is the brain child of the developers at Evolution Gaming, the leading supplier of live-dealer games in the world. Evolution launched the first ever live casino game to connect to a progressive network. If you’re looking for a new casino, we’d suggest investigating their interest in the progressive live game industry!

Pro Tip: Before I play a session, I imagine going all-in and losing my full stack on the very first hand. If the thought of that possibility doesn’t bother me, I know I’m ready to play my A-game for a long session. But if going all-in and losing one of my buy-ins on the first hand sounds unbearable, I reconsider playing. If you can’t spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker. This is as true now as when Mike McDermott (played by Matt Damon) said it in Rounders back in 1998. If you want to play poker and win, you need to play against weaker players than yourself. Think about it like this: If you are the 9th best poker player in the world, you will be the best player at almost any table. But if you join a table with those 8 players that are better than you, you become the sucker. Find even more information on

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For our Korean readers:

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Last Updated on: February 20th, 2020 at 3:19 pm, by

Written by Petrescu Dan