Play Mahjong online

Posted On Oct 30 2019

Mahjong is a ancient table game that was invented in China. As with any quality product it was imported by many cultures around the globe. Mahjong is the most played game in China and one of the most famous game in the world, it has heavy relation to Feng Shui and contains many special meanings in the tiles themselves. Mahjong is a tile-based game that requires heavy amount of skill, strategy, decision making skills, and some luck. Mahjong consists of a pair of dice and 144 tiles labeled in Chinese characters and symbols, and commonly requires four people to participate.

Mahjong is a tile game that originated in China. Rumour has it that the game is 2,500 years old. Enthusiasts link the game to Confucius and his love of birds, but the oldest historical record ever found is dated in the 1880s. Researchers say that the game originated in the late 19th century in the provinces of Kiangsu, Anhwei and Chekiang (near Shanghai) and link the traditional rules of Mahjong to the popular game Mah-tiae (“Hanging Horse”) as the game uses a similar tile set.

The longest mahjong match lasted 33 hours, and this record was set by Russian players, not Chinese. On 16 Dec 2012, four Russian players, Oleg Pretov, Nickolay Demyanov, Anton Khantimirov, and Mark Efremov sat down and dedicated 33 hours of their life to the longest mahjong match. Source: Jogos 123.

Interestingly, the game was completely banned in China by the regime in 1949. The People’s Republic of China declared it to be outlawed, along with other gambling activities. Mah Jong and other games like it were considered by those in power to be a representation of capitalist corruption, and they were having none of it. However it began, it was being played in China in the mid to late 1800s, and was brought over to the United States in the 1920s. Yet another theory places its origins during the Taiping Rebellion and its creators as Chinese officers during that time.

For our spanish guest :

Remova todas as pecas do tabuleiro de jogo. Jogos gratis para jogar online. E bem interessante e um pouco dificil. Brincar tem cerca de 50 variantes de Mahjong, portanto ha para todos os gostos! Jogue Mahjong Link, jogue Patterns link e divirta-se ao fazer combinacoes de varias texturas no estilo mahjong, Mahjong Borboletas Butterfly Kyodai online gratis Classico. Junte os pares dos mesmos desenhos para remover os desenhos do campo do jogo Dream Love Link. Jugar Game of Mahjong en Jogos 123! Aqui voce tem uma boa escolha. Selecione dois as mesmas pecas para mover o Mahjong jogo. Pode selecionar apenas as partes que tem pelo menos um lado livre, esquerda ou direita. O que mais voce esperava? Avante! O tabuleiro Mahjong 3D esta cheio de pecas e voce tem que encontrar as pecas iguais. Preste muita atencao, pois elas sao cheias de detalhes e voce pode acabar se confundindo!

Last Updated on: November 5th, 2019 at 9:03 am, by

Written by Raducioiu Florin