Hymen reconstruction medical procedure advices by cosmeticgynaecology.com

Posted On Sep 13 2020

Revirgination surgery guides with cosmeticgynaecology.com? Excessive stretching exercises like splits, swimming and cycling can also be a cause for it. But what if you have a broken hymen? What would you do? Even if you were to get a surgery done, how eligible are you? Here is what you need to know. Hymen reconstruction surgery does not literally bring back virginity because it does not guarantee that you may bleed again. Since the actual fact that a woman does not have to bleed on her first intercourse is true, most women make use of this surgery to prove a point to their husbands or loved ones. So how do you know if your wife or loved one has undergone a hymen reconstruction surgery? You can notice a stitch mark adjoining vaginal tissues in the middle.

Are You Ready to Exercise Strong Precaution for Healing? Although a short-term operation doesn’t require an extended rehabilitation period, the recovery period can last for many days after long-term Hymenoplasty. During this time, the patient can feel the pulling pains. For quick healing, you need to exercise strong precautions, such as Prohibited bathing in open water and swimming pools, You can take a bath only a shower, Avoid physical activity and sudden movements, Sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited during the healing period, Strongly Adhere to a diet as recommended by the doctor. Try to consume only light and liquid foods as far as possible. Hymenoplasty is a form of plastic surgery to restore your virginity and have a pleasant sexual life. But, before going for the operation, just exercise the precaution and take a concrete decision accordingly.

The hymen is a thin patch of mucosal tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. It forms part of the vulva, or external genitalia, and is similar in structure to the vagina. There are many reasons for a woman’s hymen to break/tear. Contrary, to popular belief, sexual intercourse is not one of the common causes of breaking the hymen. Some of the common causes for the hymen to break are due to the woman indulging in sports, dance and using tampons. Therefore, the hymen being intact does not indicate the status of the woman’s virginity. See extra information at https://www.cosmeticgynaecology.com/hymenoplasty/.

Burying the past: Sexual curiosity and experimentation are a natural part of the growing process, especially during adolescence when hormonal changes and surges occur. Peer pressure may often compel a young girl to succumb to sexual activity before she’s mentally prepared for the emotional impact associated with such physical intimacy. As she matures, she may feel regretful that she indulged in that curiosity too early or too often, and may seek to bury evidence of what she might, in retrospect, view as promiscuity or bad judgment. Revirginization may psychologically allow her to turn back the clock and start over.

The clinic is headed by Dr. Deepa Ganesh. She has been practicing gynecology (General Gynecology, Laparoscopic Gynecology and Cosmetic Gynecology) for the past 18 years at various multi-specialty hospitals across Chennai with astounding success and popularity. As one among the very few USA and Europe Trained Women’s Gynecology Specialists, she completely understands various fertility and reproductive problems women go through during the course of their lifetime. She offers a full range of gynecology services from simple yearly examinations to highly complicated and specialized procedures. A specialist with empathy, compassion and ability to listen and fix her patient’s problems. Find more details on https://www.cosmeticgynaecology.com/.

Last Updated on: October 6th, 2020 at 10:12 am, by

Written by Gica Hagi