GRE tutor rates

Posted On Sep 19 2019

Let’s discuss about GMAT private tutor options and, as a result, we will offer some tips regarding all GMAT topics, focusing on advices about how to learn for your tests. The GMAT is over three hours long and is taken entirely on a computer. So on top of the mental fatigue, you’re also facing eyestrain, neck pain, and upper back soreness! Make sure you’re prepared by doing as much prep as possible on the computer. We believe GmatNinja GMAT is the best GMAT prep program available, especially if you find it hard to organize your study schedule and don’t want to spend a ton of money on the other companies’ one-size-fits-all study plans. We’ve divided all the GMAT tips and tricks into three categories: overall GMAT tips (for all sections), tips that are particular to a section or question type, and tips for streamlining the day of the test.

Pick up ‘mental math’ skills: Doing math in your head can serve you well. “The entire time you are preparing for the GMAT, resist the urge to reach for the calculator whenever you need to do some real-world calculations,” suggests McGarry. “Learn the tricks to doing mental math (It’s way easier to add 59 + 27 by adding 50 + 20 and then 9+7; then add the sums together.)” Have a strategy for sentence correction questions: To get the correct answer in sentence correction items, you must first find the wrong ones, says Yim. “Eliminate commonly tested errors in other answer choices until only one remains,” he adds. “Many times the correct answer will not sound great but that’s not the goal; you are trying to pick the error free answer.”

Let’s suppose that you live in a city large enough to have a decent population of private GMAT tutors, and let’s suppose that you’ve collected a list of tutors from Craigslist or or Google or some other website. (And let’s suppose that you’re not looking for an online GMAT tutor, otherwise you would have called the number on the sidebar, right?) So how, exactly, should you go about figuring out which private GMAT tutors actually know what they’re talking about? Before I continue, let me be painfully honest about my own history as a private tutor: when I first started teaching GMAT lessons at a major test-prep firm more than a decade ago, I barely knew what I was doing. I was always a lively teacher, but you really shouldn’t have hired the 2001 version of GMAT Ninja; the GMAT is an incredibly nuanced exam, and it took some time for me to truly understand how to help my GMAT students succeed. I worked hard at my craft from the very start, but I know—with the benefit of hindsight—that I wasn’t the world’s best GMAT tutor when I first started out. Read more details on private GMAT tutor.

At the beginning of the test, your score moves up or down in larger increments as the computer hones in on your skill level—and what will turn out to be your final score. If you make a mistake early on, the computer will choose a much easier question, and it will take you a while to work up to the level you started from. That’s why you should make sure that you get those early questions correct by starting slowly, checking your work on early problems, and then gradually picking up the pace so that you finish all the problems in the section.

When to repeat a lesson already learned: an information that you repeat every day, it becomes a memorized or learned information, which is not recommended at all. Try to learn logically, not mechanically, and repeat old information only when you realize that you are beginning to forget it. Make logical connections between lessons and personal life: the school syllabus is very busy, so it is almost impossible to learn all the notions unless you make certain logical connections between them. It can help you when you can’t remember a name, make a connection with elements of your personal life that remind you of it. Source:

Last Updated on: October 2nd, 2019 at 12:37 pm, by

Written by Ilie Dumitrescu