Top quality iced tea online shopping

Posted On Jun 6 2019

Drinking tea is good for your health, both body and mind health. It’s no secret that drinking tea is good for you. Tea has been an integral part of traditional medicine and is revered as a cure-all in many Asian countries. The Chinese and Japanese have consumed this tea to improve health for centuries. It’s even promoted in Western medicine as a way to treat symptoms of the cold and flu.

Teas fall into one of two categories. Many are blended with other ingredients, such as orange blossoms or sakura cherry petals. Others are pure Camellia sinensis; as with wine, their characteristics are largely determined by where and how they’re grown, not what they’re combined with. The ones I like best, like da hong pao, taste as if the place they’re from is the only place they could ever be from.

True teas are made using the leaves of the tea plant known as Camellia sinensis. These teas include green tea, white tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, and black tea. While these teas are made using the same leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the difference in color and taste arises from the production process. Green tea and white tea are the true teas, which undergo the least processing. These teas are not oxidized. The leaves are harvested and dried to prevent the chemical reaction that turns the leaves a dark brown or black color. As a result, these teas retain their natural green color and are considered among the healthiest teas.

Tea helps inhibit intestinal inflammation. The polyphenols in green tea have been shown to have an effect on the intestinal inflammation caused by conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome allowing sufferers more comfort from a natural remedy. Tea can reduce stomach cramps. Properties of red tea cause it to acts as anti-spasmodic agent and allowing it to aid in the relief of stomach cramps or even colic in infants.

Tea may help protect your bones: Data from recent animal studies has shown that green tea may prevent bone loss. Moringa, a plant that’s native to South Asia, has been known for its medicinal properties and is now quickly becoming a mainstream superfood. With more calcium than milk, as well as iron, vitamin A and K, moringa tea is a great addition to help keep those bones strong.

We want to introduce the world to new levels of premium teas and bringing people closer through the enjoyment of tea. There is nothing more satisfying then helping others find new horizons and helping people to spend more time together. We want to be consistent with our service and product. We strive to continue keeping efficient with our procedures to better serve our customers. Read extra details about Red Moon Tea LLC, a premium infused tea supplier.

What people say : “The hot tea smells amazing and I just love to sit out on my balcony at night watching the waves with a Red Moon”

Last Updated on: June 15th, 2019 at 2:44 pm, by

Written by Gica Hagi