Fire management systems firms

Posted On Jul 26 2020

Fire risk assessments companies UK? For more information on our fire risk assessments or to arrange one, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. One of our team is always on hand to answer questions and deal with enquiries. There is no set frequency for how often you need to review your fire risk assessment, however, it is advisable to carry them out at least once a year to ensure a safe environment. Fire safety risk assessments should also be carried out if your current one if no longer valid or if you have brought new equipment into your business or made significant changes to infrastructure. We work with businesses regularly throughout the Middlesbrough area carrying out fire risk assessments.

Our team is highly skilled and knowledgeable, keeping up to date with all the latest health and safety legislation, to ensure your business or working environment is a safe place. As an independent HSE Consultant, we can either provide regular or one-off consultancy. If you’re looking for a local HSE consultant in Middlesbrough, then be sure to get in touch with us today. We provide a dedicated HSE consultancy service and cover a wide range of topics. Whether it’s a full spectrum audit of your building’s health or safety or just assistance with one aspect of it, we can tailor our service to suit you.

Legislation in England and Wales stated that if you’re an employer, owner, landlord or occupier of business or non-domestic premises, and you are made the ‘responsible person’ for the fire safety in a building – you are therefore responsible for taking the necessary steps to protect occupants in your business or premises from the risk of fire. It is therefore your duty of care to ensure that all your passive and active fire protection is under a sustained, suitable and sufficient programme of inspection and maintenance. See additional info at Fire Risk Assessments UK.

The primary responsibility for Health & Safety rests with the employer. But employees also have a duty for their own as well as the Health & Safety of others. They apply to all businesses no matter how small, to the self-employed and also employees. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order states that employers must appoint one or more competent persons to assist them with undertaking preventative and protective measures.

All Staines Safety Services and fire solutions staff are highly skilled Fire & health and safety professionals, who are members of the institute of fire prevention officers and institution of fire engineers and nebosh qualified. All of our staff have a minimum twenty years of experience in the private sector with many more years in either the fire service or the military. We have worked in a number of pressurised and challenging environments both inside and outside of the uk. In our roles we have utilised our skill sets and overcame challenging working environments to build extensive experience and specialist knowledge in our field. Discover even more info at this website.

Last Updated on: August 5th, 2020 at 9:22 am, by

Written by Petrescu Dan