Taro Card readings tricks

Posted On Jul 18 2020

Palm readings tips with Tena Mitchell? What are your predictions for 2020? Tena Mitchell said, “There will be a lot of planning done, taking into consideration the pros and cons of the actions to be taken. If things are not properly looked into, there are chances the situation will turn upside down or there are chances that the things may not turn out to the same as planned. Be ready with a backup plan and for last-minute changes or action, plan- B could be taken into consideration which will give you the originally desired results.”

One of the most popularly used tools in divination today are the Tarot cards. Although not quite as simple as other methods like pendulums or tea leaves, the Tarot has mystified and captured the imaginations of people for centuries due to it’s mystical, and some may even call, magical powers. Today, there are hundreds of different designs available to purchase from many different decks of cards.

Tea leaf readings – want to see what the next 12 months has in store for you? Then the tea leaf reading is perfect for you. By using our personal select tea leafs imported from eastern India, these pure and natural leaves are grown by a small tea farm and are harvested and picked for us by personalized order making each and every tea leaf reading unique, showing you what your next 12 months has in store for you. Spiritual energy reading allows Tena to read you or a loved one no matter the distance apart. If someone’s on your mind, Tena can channel their energy spiritually and help you with anything you would like to know about them, giving you the peace of mind you need. See extra info on Psychic Readings.

I am from New York and I got ahold of Tena through a friend who had met her and got a reading. Such a caring soul and a unique individual. If you aren’t into this kind of stuff, just give it a shot anyways, it may change your life and give you new paths to take as it did for me. I realized I can control my own destiny with the help of her guidance. She is one of a kind. I will be back! Always here for you. Keep meditating and staying positive! Keep yourself in those higher frequencies! Love to all! I absolutely love Gypsy Tea Room. 5 out of 5. Tena is a wonderful soul!

In some ancient or primal societies, some members were unable to distinguish between the dream world and the waking world. They had the ability to choose between worlds. These were the powerful shamans of ancient times who were thought to have the ability to travel between the spririt world, or the “astral” world, what we call dream worlds. They believed that the dream world was an extension of reality and also more powerful world, almost as if we are all living double lives, one life in what we believe to be reality, and one in the dream world. Because of this belief, it was extremely important for people to write down, talk, and interpret their dreams. See additional info on here.

Last Updated on: July 27th, 2020 at 4:51 pm, by

Written by Selymesi Tibor