Accredited high quality TEFL school abroad? By becoming a TEFL Teacher in Spain, you’ll be helping thousands of students better their skills and improve their lives in our English academies like curso TOEFL Madrid. A TEFL abroad program has responsibilities that can make or break a student’s life, but the sheer joy of the profession arises when a student completes his course, lands a job and gives a thank you note for all the help you’ve extended. 120-hour long TEFL Certification course. Out of which 6 hours are dedicated to practical application. TEFL Madrid Academy’s course provides a fantastic opportunity to earn your TEFL certification in a great foreign country. and keep up to date on Madrid’s local job market.
Teaching English, or any language for that matter, is so much more than vocabulary and grammar. In fact, most students can (and should) study those two on their own (though most opt not to!). What’s equally important, is the phonetics of a language and how we speak. Now we’re getting into some culture! Expressions, idioms, and accents are such an important aspect to learning a foreign language. Someone can have the largest vocabulary and might have mastered all of Grammar Girls podcasts, but if they can’t be understood in personal and professional contexts, they are going to be wickedly limited in their range of communication. You’ll learn all about phonology while obtaining your TEFL certificate, and your students will thank (and pay) you for it.
Here is the complete TEFL guide, with everything you want to know in single post. Teaching English really is a big and high potential career! It offers lots of avenues to freedom, visiting, exploration, and adventure. Teaching English abroad is reasonably well paid in most countries, and some Asian and Arab countries pay excellent teaching rates. Good English teachers earn enough to live well in the local culture and make trips on their days off to explore neighboring countries. For example, if you decide to spend 6 months in Prague, you get travel to Berlin, London, Paris, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow and other beautiful cities in less than 2 hours. Many of your students will see English as a means to improve their lives – to get a new or better job, to travel, to get to know new cultures, to meet new friends, to be able to talk to their kids’ friends… You will literally open the doors of the world to them. Discover more info on this website.
The TEFL certification is a widely recognized accreditation that certifies the capacity of a teacher to teach English in non-English-speaking countries, such as Spain, France, China, South Korea… This certificate is a requirement for any teaching centre interested in hiring qualified English language teachers, in order to comply with quality standards set by the British Council. These standards are the following; students must be given at least a 100 hours of teaching, 6 hours of practice teaching – under a qualified trainer’s supervision -; and the centre must be accredited to be able to provide training by teachers with a Master’s degree in TEFL or TESOL. All of the above requirements are met by TEFL Madrid, so if you decide to take your TEFL course in Spain, our Academy is the one for you.
For our spanish guests:
Promedio de 110 puntos en el TOEFL: la calificación promedio de nuestros alumnos en la prueba de TOEFL es 110 puntos. Puedes apuntar a la calificación que necesitas o ir más allá de la meta y superar tus expectativas. ¡Únete al team! Los cursos de TOEFL online de EXAM Madrid Academy son la mejor opción para preparar el examen desde casa, con clases de inglés a distancia a través de videollamadas. Prepara el test con el equipo docente y un máximo de cuatro estudiantes por sesión, en la que tendrás la oportunidad de practicar inglés face to face cuando lo desees.
Modalidad general, con un ritmo habitual de clases, en las que se avanza de manera progresiva por las secciones que conforman el TOEFL: Listening (prueba de comprensión auditiva), Speaking (prueba oral), Reading (prueba de lectura) y Writing (prueba de escritura). 4 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 16 horas lectivas en total. 6 horas semanales: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 10 horas semanales: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 40 horas lectivas en total. 20 horas semanales: plan mensual intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 80 horas lectivas en total.
Sala multimedia a la vanguardia: practica cuando quieras en cualquiera de nuestras academias de inglés en Madrid. La sala de ordenadores está a tu disposición para entrenar tus habilidades de Listening, Reading, Speaking y Writing. Guías oficiales: los cursos de TOEFL en Madrid de nuestra academia de idiomas cuentan exclusivamente con las guías oficiales suministradas por ETS, los creadores del examen. Te ofrecemos acceso completo a todo el material. Encontrar adicional detalles curso de TOEFL en Madrid.
Feedback de profesores americanos: los profesores de EXAM Madrid Academy evalúan tu desempeño y te señalan los puntos que debes mejorar para sacar la mejor nota. Acceso online a guías oficiales: todo el material teórico y práctico oficial está disponible para los alumnos en la plataforma online, a la que puedes acceder en cualquier momento. ¡Tú decides cuándo!