Local exhaust ventilation LEV testing company in the UK

Posted On Oct 9 2019

I outlined the key steps needed to control health hazards in the workplace. The first steps are recognising that a risk exists and then making sure that appropriate, effective controls are specified, designed and implemented. In this case the risk from dust exposure was recognised and a local exhaust ventilation system with an appropriate hood design was installed. The problem is that it is not being used properly, considerably reducing its effectiveness. Once controls have been implemented they need to be properly managed to ensure that during use they continue to do the job they were designed to do. This requires training, supervision, maintenance, testing, audit and review. It’s a management responsibility to ensure that controls are properly used so more vigilant supervision seems to be required.

“Every employer who provides any LEV to meet regulation 7 shall ensure that, it is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, in good repair and in a clean condition – Regulation 9.1 COSHH” Where engineered controls have been used the employer must ensure that they are tested and thoroughly examined with a suitable record kept for minimum of 5 years. Further more the regulation states that: “Any LEV system must be thoroughly appraised and tested at least once every 14 months. – Regulation 9.2. This is reduced to 6 months in certain circumstances.”

According to the HSE, around 13,000 workers in the UK die each year from historic work-related exposure to airborne contaminants at work leading to lung disease and various cancers. These figures are estimated to be attributed to past exposure, primarily to chemical and dust at work.

How Welding Supplies Direct can help ? WE will carry out a thorough tests in line with COSHH Regulation 9 as detailed in HSE Guide HSG258 Our levels of service can be tailored to your Companies needs. However, most clients choose to take advantage of by combining servicing with the LEV testing. Read more info at LEV Testing.

Those individuals wishing to improve their LEV knowledge and skills should consider attending a suitable training course leading to qualifications such as those provided by the Institution of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE) or the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). Dutyholders should provide information about the full extent of an airborne dust cloud, as this is rarely visible. In some cases, such as when all the particles are smaller than ‘inhalable’, it will be completely invisible. Tyndall illumination uses the forward scattering of light to show up the cloud. Alternatively, if smoke is released into the cloud this will show up its shape, size, speed and direction.

Last Updated on: November 2nd, 2019 at 9:32 am, by

Written by Ilie Dumitrescu