Excellent home security alarms provider by Kangaroo
Posted On Jul 20 2022Best rated home security sensors firm from Kangaroo? Over 59 million people in America don’t have home security. Our guest is on a mission to change that. Their goal: provide super simple security systems with the singular aim of making the world safer. On this episode of FNO: InsureTech we are joined by Maximus Yaney, Co-Founder and CEO of Kangaroo. Join us in our conversation with Maximus as we discuss: Kangaroo’s forwarding-thinking work culture. How his team’s prior works of yesterday shape their insuretech ambitions today. Kangaroo’s unique membership model. See even more information at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kangaroo-co-founder-ceo-maximus-yaney/id1440681986?i=1000458222159. We believe security involves …

Excellent fashion presentations today in 2022 from Jordan Brooks
Posted On Jul 20 2022Best fashion events right now in 2022 by model Jordan Brooks: Beyond their shared dedication to craftsmanship and quality, Jordan says the two companies aligned on their larger goals as well. After what he describes as years of informal discussions that never quite fell into place, he explains that this collaboration was born last summer with a focus on effecting change in the wake of the movement for racial justice that swept the world after the police murder of George Floyd. “Armando Cabral does not only want to take from our customers, but we want to be a brand that …