Behavioral Capitalism and Erich von Werner society
Posted On Oct 22 2019Behavioural Capitalism is a version of capitalism in which human behaviour becomes the most important factor for the production and provision of goods and services. Technology more than ever means power and this special influence through the smart world, can be found today in the western world astonishingly bundled with a few companies, which naturally have little interest in explaining the risks of their activity too publicly, because they primarily see the opportunities of their actions and not the dangers. Who will blame them? How many people really understand their business models? Didn’t they seem to come out of nowhere, …

Best Raleigh tree service providers
Posted On Oct 22 2019Tree trimming guides and we also make a recommandation on how to search the best tree trimming companies, to avoid home disasters and huge costs. Only trim branches that are weak and are V-shaped and narrow angles. Try and retain branches that have strong, U-shaped angles. Try to prune branches when they are young. It becomes much easier to manage them at that point, and the risk of leaving scars while cutting is very low. Cincinnati Homeowners, commercial businesses, organizations, just as temporary workers, rely on the broad involvement on Cincinnati tree service companies to deal with their tree issues …

Custom snow globes idea
Posted On Oct 22 2019In 1927, a Pittsburgh man named Joseph Garaja filed his application for a patent for a liquid-filled novelty paperweight that improved upon previous designs; the design he presented and later sold was a fish floating in sea grass. But it wasn’t Garaja’s under-the-sea theme that impressed the industry. His real contribution to snow globe manufacturing was in pioneering the now-obvious method of assembling the globes underwater to ensure they were entirely filled. This, David Bear wrote for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2000, “revolutionized” the snow globe industry: “They went from being expensive mementos individually crafted by skilled artisans to items …